Netboot a new device

One of the simplest tasks is registering a new device in a network:

Bare Metal

  1. Ensure the target network has spare "MaxDevices" licenses available, if configured
  2. Ensure the network default group also has free license slots, if configured
  3. Physically connect the device to a network that has clusterducks DHCP services available
  4. Configure the device BIOS netboot order to begin from PXE/Network first
  5. Power-on the device
  6. If there are enough free slots, and the network has a default group configured, the device will be registered to the panel.

If no default group is configured, the device will not be able to register.

Virtualized device

Ensure the network and group licenses are suffcient, if configured

Via external management

Similar to bare metal addition, simply configure a VM for netboot and attach it to an appropriate network that have clusterducks DHCP services available.

Via clusterducks

  1. Go to the Devices page
  2. Click New Virtual Machine
  3. Configure VM parameters; memory, CPU, and network device type
  4. Click Add and the VM is now available in the list
  5. Check the VM's box
  6. Select Force Reset in the multi-action dropdown
  7. Click Save to start the new VM